How Long Can You Keep a Ps4 on

Whether you lot want to evidence off how defended you are to a certain game to your friends, or yous feel like totaling up all your playtime, you might wonder whether or non at that place'due south a mode to check how many hours you've logged on your PS4.

How To See How Many Hours Played on PS4

While this information isn't readily bachelor on your panel, there are means to get information technology.

No thing why you demand that information, allow's take a wait at how you tin can see how many hours you've played on PS4.

Can You Meet Time Played on PS4?

Unfortunately, Sony doesn't make time tracking easy. There isn't a way inside the system to pull a report of hours played or timestamps for logins. While you tin access your public PlayStation profile online via their My PlayStation website, this just tells you what trophies you take earned, how many friends you accept, and like information.

How to See Hours Played on PS4

While you tin't exercise information technology via the console itself, information technology is possible to see how much fourth dimension you've spent on your PS4 via a web browser. This can be done using the parental controls characteristic we'll embrace beneath.

For this method to work you lot will need to set your own PlayStation account (even if y'all don't have a PlayStation) then click the 'Add Family Member' to add together a child account. Go through the setup process to link your accounts.

To view how many hours someone has played, you will need to visit the Family unit Management settings on Sony'due south website.

  1. Visit the Family Management settings on Sony's website.
  2. One time there, tap Family Management from the side menu.
  3. Side by side, you lot can view the Fourth dimension Played under the business relationship name.

This won't show yous exactly what the individual was doing on their PlayStation and it only shows what they've done today, just it is one way to come across the fourth dimension played.

How to Manage Your Activeness Feed

You tin can manage what is shared in your activity feed by using the following steps:

  1. Become to your Sony Account and log in.
  2. Click on PSN Privacy Settings.
  3. Click on Gaming | Media.
  4. To change who can view your activities, trophies, friends list, what games you ain, and more, click on the Edit button next to the i you desire to change.
How To See How Many Hours Played On PS4

If you lot have an activity you don't want anyone to see, yous tin remove it past following these steps:

  1. Kickoff your PS4.
  2. Visit your profile settings
  3. Select Alter Privacy Settings.
  4. Select Gaming | Media.
  5. Select Activity
  6. Select the action you desire to delete.
  7. Select Options

From the Options bill of fare, you can delete the activity so that it won't be shared with your friends.

Sign up for the PSN Newsletter

One way to sometimes receive info on the hours you have played in full is to sign up for the monthly PlayStation Network newsletter, which will send you regular emails with personalized data and special offers. This data, sometimes, but not always, can include your gaming hours.

To sign up for the newsletter, you'll need to do the post-obit:

  1. Go to your Sony Account, and log in.
  2. Click on Notification Settings
  3. Click on the tick box
  4. Click on the Save button

How exercise you Check Game History on PS4?

There are a few ways to check game history on your PS4. You lot may desire to check your game history to add up the full fourth dimension played, to come across what games you have, or to download some other game onto your dashboard.

You can do this from the PlayStation itself, or from the PS App.

Library Tab

To directly go to whatsoever game that y'all've played, get all the way to the library tab. Locate the app on the far right of the organization past your games, Netflix, and PS Store.

Once in the app, you can click the "games" tab or the "Purchased" tab. Yous can run into when you purchased the games past clicking them. You tin add more than apps to this tab at any time by clicking the Playstation Store app. Check out our other commodity about the best Playstation Apps.

Trophy List

Your bays list is located on the top bar. Once clicked, you can encounter information on your games played, every bit well as their bays information. You tin come across what fourth dimension you lot got the trophies past clicking them.

Game Files

If you want to look at your PS4 save data, go to "Setting," and so "Application Saved Data Direction," then "Saved Data" in Arrangement Storage. This will show yous a breakdown of your time played, and your game history.

Equally mentioned, you lot can't see all saved information for all games, but you lot can at least know when y'all downloaded the game on your organisation. You lot can also meet when your last relieve/auto-save was.

Fourth dimension Played on PS5

With the newest panel officially hit the market, we'd be doing a disservice if we didn't mention that the PS5 makes information technology much easier to run across the hours played.

If you want to brag about how many hours you've already put into your new panel. Simply click on the profile icon and then click on 'Games.' Nether each game you'll run into how many hours yous've spent playing each game!

As if we didn't need some other reason to upgrade our consoles, this is a feature that we've all been waiting a very long time for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Just in case we didn't answer all of your questions in a higher place, we do have some more answers here for y'all.

Tin I see the exact time someone was playing?

Yes and no. Yous can merely run into the verbal time someone was gaming if they earned a trophy. For case, in the screenshots under the u0022Trophy Listu0022 heading above, if you tap on i of those trophies information technology will give you the time and date earned.

I want to run into how many hours I played a sure game. Is at that place a way to do that?

Some games volition give you the lifetime hours or minutes you've played. Go direct to that game's login (for example Fortnite is an u003ca href=u0022 states of america/homeu0022u003eEpic Games accountu003c/au003e) and search out your time played there.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eAlso, we take an article on u003ca href=u0022 to View How Many Hours Yous've Played on Fortniteu003c/au003e.

Can I add together time restrictions?

Yep, nether the Family Management tab (as listed above) you can set parental controls. Once the account has hit its limit, the user volition go booted. Y'all can customize these settings and add more than fourth dimension if yous'd like.

Final Thoughts

While it'due south a shame that information technology'southward not easier to find out exactly what your statistics directly from the source, in that location are other means that you lot tin can get that information by use of apps, or end-of-yr wrap-ups. Afterward all, it's e'er proficient to know how long yous've spent playing your favorite games, like Final Fantasy.

If you lot've found a method for working out your PS4 game time that we've missed, delight share it with us in the comments section beneath. And feel gratis to show off your hours. Nosotros promise nosotros won't gauge!


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