How Many Times I Can Reschedule Us Visa Appointment

The states Consulates and US Embassies provide the US Visa stamping services for anyone seeking a United states Visa. Every bit part of the procedure to utilise for US Visa, one need to book an appointment for the aforementioned at these locations.  Depending on the country and demand for getting a Usa Visa, there tin can be wait times for getting US visa appointments. To avoid long wait times and abuse of date organization, the The states consulates limit the number of times someone tin can employ the visa engagement fee for scheduling or changing appointments. In this article we will outline what does Usa visa date reschedule hateful, how it varies by country, how many times you tin can do the same with guidance on the aforementioned from official sources and communication with visa appointment system support team.

What is rescheduling or changing US Visa Appointment?

If for some reason, you cannot nourish your US Visa appointment, either in-person visa interview with consular officer or for giving Biometrics, the visa appointment booking organisation provides an choice to change the appointment date and time. This option to modify or modify the visa appointment times is called the rescheduling choice or change of appointments option.  This change of appointment can be washed for the in-person interview at US Consulate, for biometrics given at Visa Awarding Center (VAC) or for both.

How to reschedule or change United states Visa appointment? Confirmation ?

The appointment booking arrangement at that points to CGI Federal website provides the pick to reschedule/ change or cancel the existing appointment. You lot tin use the reschedule selection for OFC Appointment that is for Biometrics collection and Visa interview appointment at Consulate.   Let's await at how it works.

If you lot are scheduling engagement for the outset time, you would encounter only option that says "New Awarding / Schedule Appointment" as in below screenshot on the left-manus side navigation. After y'all do this stride, then you lot will see the re-schedule selection.

New Appointment - Schedule Appointment Screen
New Appointment – Schedule Appointment Screen

Once you book the engagement and want to reschedule or modify the same, you volition have the option to reschedule, abolish or even asking for emergency appointment. To reschedule, you should click on the choice in left hand navigation that says "Reschedule Appointment". Also, it will clearly tell on this screen about your electric current engagement, when it is schedule on the screen saying "Your current appointment is scheduled for …"  Also, you would encounter on the height where it says, if it if for biometrics at OFC or for visa interview. See below screenshot that shows the aforementioned.

Reschedule US Visa Appointment - Booking Screen
Reschedule The states Visa Appointment – Booking Screen

After you reschedule the engagement and it is successful, yous would get a confirmation message that says "Your Engagement has been rescheduled". See below screenshot on how information technology looks.

Appointment Rescheduled Confirmation
Appointment Rescheduled Confirmation

You can also come across the history of your The states Visa appointment reschedules that you have done past clicking on the "Appointment History" in the left navigation, it will testify you the complete listing of your previous and electric current appointments with Date Date, Applicant Name, Consulate/ Post location, Visa Blazon and Status. See below screenshot on how information technology looks.

US Visa Appointment Rescheduling History
US Visa Appointment Rescheduling History

How many times tin can I modify my The states Visa engagement?

The number of times you can change or reschedule the The states Visa appointment totally varies by country. Depending on the staff, wait times of appointments, you can re-schedule the visa appointments in the online arrangement anywhere from 2 to 6 times. The The states Consulates or The states Diplomatic mission in that particular country ascertain how many times you can schedule an date with a Visa application fee receipt (MRV fee receipt). We will expect at number of times for some of the common countries like Bharat, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, others.

How many times can I reschedule my US Visa appointment in Republic of india?

You can use for U.s.a. Visa date in Republic of india at four United states consulates ( Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Kolkata) and 1 US embassy (New Delhi). The appointment booking arrangement is managed by USTravelDocs and CGI Federal website.  The India Appointments scheduling page, does not tell the exact number of times, you can schedule or reschedule your US Visa engagement. All it tells is you lot have limited number of times you lot tin reschedule. Come across below screenshot.

Scheduling your appointment US Visas India
Scheduling your appointment US Visas India

Equally the number of times, you tin can schedule or reschedule is not bachelor for public, one of our blog readers (bearding – cheers to the user) reached out the USTravelDocs CGI Federal client service to inquire the same. As per them, in Republic of india, using the MRV Fee receipt (Visa fee receipt), you tin schedule visa appointment for 5 times.  This 5 times, include the initial appointment scheduling. What it means is that you can re-schedule or change the date for 4 times after your initial appointment.  See below screenshot of the exact email inquiry and the response from them.

US Visa Reschedule Appointments Count 5 times India Confirmation
Usa Visa Reschedule Appointments Count 5 times Republic of india Confirmation

Many of our users in social media groups confirmed the same that we tin re-schedule or modify engagement only four times later the initial setup.  If you desire to confirm again, yous tin can also reach out to US Consulates in India using their e-mail, phone for double confirmation.

One more matter, the system would tell y'all, if you lot cannot reschedule anymore. Let's await at that now.

What happens if US Consulate Cancels date ? Do I lose a chance ?

If the The states Consulate or Embassy cancels the date for whatsoever reason it may be, they will waive off the scheduling chance for the counterfoil. Significant, they will non count the reschedule you did after cancellation towards the total count of reschedule options. Below is the screenshot of the confirmation from the USTravelDocs customer service on the aforementioned that says they will waive off that gamble.

US Visa Stamping Reschedule waived if cancelled by consulate
US Visa Stamping Reschedule take a chance waived if cancelled by Consulate

How would I know, if I have used all my chances for appointment re-scheduling  ?

The organization will give a bulletin saying that you accept used upward all your chances to re-schedule. This way you would know that you cannot re-schedule anymore with your current MRV fee receipt. Y'all will see a message that says "If you cancel this date, then you will take exceeded the limit of appointments canceled, and will non exist able to schedule another appointment until some other MRV fee is paid". It looks like in below screenshot.

If you cancel this appointment - exceeded limit of appointments confirmation
If you cancel this engagement – exceeded limit of appointments confirmation

How many times can I reschedule my US Visa date in Other Countries ?

Philippines : The demand for U.s. Visa appointments is much higher and there are fewer locations in Philippines. So, Usa Embassy in Manila has restricted the total appointments you can schedule to 3 times with one visa fee payment receipt (MRV Visa Fee receipt). Yous can schedule the initial appointment once and and then you are given option to reschedule the engagement for 2 times. If you cancel your 2nd rescheduling date, yous will be asked to await for 90 days. Below is the screenshot of official guidance from USTravelDocs Philippines Website

US Visa appointment reschedule in Philippines how many times
Us Visa appointment reschedule in Philippines how many times

Nihon : In Japan, you lot can reschedule your United states Visa appointment up to half dozen times. If yous exceed the half-dozen times, then you lot demand to pay new MRV fee. Check below screenshot from website of Japan.

Japan reschedule US Visa Appointment - how many times
Nippon reschedule US Visa Appointment – how many times

Thailand : In Thailand, y'all can reschedule your Us Visa engagement for a maximum of three times. If you exceed the three times, and so yous need to pay new MRV fee. Bank check beneath screenshot from website of Thailand.

Thailand reschedule US Visa Appointment - how many times
Thailand reschedule United states Visa Appointment – how many times

Every country has dissimilar rules and the number of times you can re-schedule your US Visa engagement varies. So, you must achieve out to the US Consulate or USTravelDocs CGI federal support team to become the correct answer.

What was your feel re-scheduling your appointment in your country ? Add your comments, thoughts in comments.


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